Cybersecurity is a cornerstone of any successful business, yet it remains one of the most significant challenges organizations face today. Ensuring robust capabilities in prevention, detection, response, and recovery is vital across all network points, data, and users. As the digital landscape evolves, so too does the threat landscape, increasing opportunities for cyberattacks. These threats range from traditional methods to increasingly sophisticated techniques, further complicated by a shortage of skilled professionals which is why outsourcing certain workloads like Security Operations is a great way to address these challenges. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is stepping in to bridge this gap, revolutionizing how we protect digital assets by enhancing data analysis with ML and AI to help quickly identify threats with threat intelligence and ensure that threats are responded and ultimately remediated. For as good as ML and AI are to the cybersecurity industry, it is crucial to recognize that AI is a double-edged sword in that cybercriminals are also leveraging AI to bolster their attacks, using it to breach networks, systems, and data, and even to craft more convincing phishing emails.

Sandler Partners AI stats

Threat Detection and Prevention | AI provides a new era of threat detection. Traditional antivirus software and signature-based methods (which often slowed systems and were reactive in nature) are not a sufficient defense against today’s adaptive and quickly evolving malware. AI-powered systems can analyze enormous datasets in real-time, identifying anomalies, behaviors, and potential threats before they can gain access and cause damage.

Behavioral Analytics – Predictive Threat Analysis | AI understands and learns from user, network, system behaviors, and trusted threat intelligence sources – allowing it to detect abnormal activities that could indicate a cyber threat. This proactive approach is particularly effective in identifying insider threats and zero-day attacks. By constantly monitoring and analyzing behavior, AI can quickly identify deviations to trigger alerts, or responses like isolating impacted files or systems. Machine Learning models can analyze historical data and evolving attack trends to forecast potential future threats. This proactive approach allows your customer’s organizations to partner with MSSP options to fortify their defenses before a breach occurs, getting a step ahead rather than perpetually reacting or playing catch-up.

Automated Incident Response | Speed is critical for Cybersecurity. AI-driven incident response systems can react within milliseconds, shutting down threats and minimizing damage/breaches. You can also automate routine tasks like patching vulnerabilities, creating backups (Data Recovery Protocols), and isolating compromised systems. This allows your team of human security professionals to focus on more critical events and strategic aspects of Cybersecurity.

Enhanced Authentication with Zero Trust | Passwords and traditional authentication methods are increasingly vulnerable to hacking. AI brings biometric authentication, facial recognition, and behavioral analysis into play, making authentication more secure while also improving the user experience. Behavioral biometrics, a field within AI, focuses on how users interact with devices and systems. AI algorithms can learn individual users’ behaviors and detect anomalies in real time – providing protection even if legitimate login credentials are obtained. AI can recognize when behavior deviates from the norm, triggering alerts and mitigating potential breaches.

Predictive Analysis | AI doesn’t just respond to known threats; it can be used to predict potential vulnerabilities and recommend security measures before an attack occurs. This predictive analysis can save organizations significant resources and protect against emerging threats.

Adaptive Security | Cyber threats are dynamic, evolving entities – many are being generated using their own Artificial Intelligence systems. Use AI-driven Cybersecurity solutions that adapt and learn from previous incidents, making security systems more robust and dynamic over time. This adaptability is crucial in an environment where cybercriminals continually refine their tactics.

AI-Powered Threat Hunting | Cybersecurity experts are increasingly using AI for threat hunting, a proactive approach to identifying and eliminating threats. Machine Learning algorithms can once again analyze vast amounts of data from various threat intelligence feeds to uncover hidden threats that might otherwise go unnoticed. This approach not only enhances security, it also aids in threat attribution and understanding the evolving tactics of cyber adversaries.

Scalable and Cost-Effective Solutions | AI-driven Cybersecurity solutions can scale effortlessly to protect organizations big or small. This scalability can benefit your customers whatever size they may be, with advanced threat detection and prevention, leveling the playing field in the ongoing battle against cybercriminals.

Managed Security Service Providers (MSSPs)

The strength of today’s AI comes from the learning set on which it’s programmed. More data, means a more robust solution. MSSPs are able to manage all data across many organizations, with the oversight of Cybersecurity’s best engineers to look at and adapt the learning model for the best results.

Stay Ahead of Threats by Continuously Evolving

Cybersecurity will continue to evolve. Threats will multiply, with new attacks becoming of greater concern. AI is proving to be indispensable in staying one step ahead of cyber threats. Its ability to analyze vast amounts of data, detect anomalies, and automate responses is revolutionizing the way digital assets are protected. AI is a powerful ally, but like any good tool, it’s only as good as the individual, or teams that use and ingest it. Human expertise, assisted by AI, is your best Cybersecurity strategy approach and many of the MSSPs in the Sandler Portfolio today use AI to enhance their abilities to Detect and Respond quickly and efficiently.

To learn more about AI, selling into any vertical, expanding what you offer across the IT stack, and the support you can receive, the Sandler Partners Sales Engineering team hosted the “AI & the Impact to Your Customers’ Tech Approach” Tech Panel Webinar on September 10th and 11th! Over the two days we explored key areas including best approaches, benefits, and how to guide the conversation from start to conclusion. We also took a look at recent industry changes and how they’re impacting organizations you currently support and those you want to work with. On day 2 DialpadDYOPATHFor2Fi, and Pax8 presented their their solutions and where they work best! Missed it? Watch the recording today!


Take the Team Approach: Partners, We’re Here For You!

AI and Cybersecurity make a great story, but like every great tale, it’s the human element that people will relate to. For your customers, they will see the personal cost, the threat to business continuity, and the impact on revenue/brand reputation. As a Partner you can rely on your Sandler Partners team, including your dedicated Sales Engineer or Channel Manager, found by visiting your Sandler Portal homepage dashboard. AI influence on Cybersecurity is an exciting topic that we’d all like to discuss with you and help you present to your customers. Thanks for reading!


Eric Beller

Eric Beller, SVP, Sales & Complex Solutions, assists Partners with developing everyday technical solutions in the central region, and complex solutions across the nation. Our resident Cybersecurity expert, we leverage his technical and personal expertise to solve customer’s business problems while also ensuring an elevated experience.