When it comes to selling telecom solutions, the main inhibitors center around human resources, such as a lack of strong support and staff. However, with the right tools, training and guidance available from master agencies like Sandler Partners, you’ll be able to overcome common obstacles and grow your business to its full potential.

Insufficient Staff

Working with a master agent means that you will receive low cost —and often free — assistance and thanks to cloud technology and emerging similarities between telecom and IT platforms, the learning curve associated with adding voice, data and cloud services to a traditional IP-data-infrastructure portfolio is becoming increasingly easier to manage.

Lack of Telecom Tech Skills

At Sandler Partners, training is available (with no fee or experience necessary) from several outlets. Portals or hubs, such as those offered by Sandler Partners, provide personalized trainings from a variety of top providers, Cloud 101 videos, and recorded webinar sessions and summit event videos to stay up to date on the latest news and offerings.

Lack of Sales Experience

Along with strong closing support, Sandler Partner’s Partner Marketing Program also provides HubSpot tools and templates for an all-in-one solution, including marketing, sales, customer service and CRM software, backed by live customer support teams.

Taking the steps to make sure you have a supportive master agent makes all the difference to your business, career development and commission! Learn more in the white paper, The Big Opportunity IT Solutions Providers are Missing Out On.