Date and Time: Tuesday & Wednesday, May 16th and 17th at 10 AM PT/1 PM PT

Day 1 Featuring: Eric Beller, Sales Engineer – Central and the Andrew Rustad, Director Sales Engineering – East Region

Day 2 Featuring: Lumen, TPx, UbiStor, and WiredIQ

When your customers’ networks and data are on the line, risk should not be an option. Cybersecurity is intertwined with every approach and technology you discuss with customers. As their trusted technology expert, they look to you for guidance. Cybersecurity solutions range from training, software, hardware, and intensive testing services. During this webinar, our Partners learned the terms, approaches, what to address, and how to provide answers for their requirements and concerns.

These webinars were created by your Sales Engineering team to help you bring customers the solutions they need.

2 DAY FORMAT | Presentation + Q&A

Day 1 (Approx. 1 hour + QA) | Tues., May 16th: Eric Beller and Andrew Rustad did a quick overview of Security/Cybersecurity, review available solutions (including AI/ML integration), how to start the conversation, and always emphasize the clients’ benefit. The team reviewed different approaches that can minimize/segment risk and the resources you have available for every step of the journey. The discussion was vendor agnostic, focusing on the whole scope of the category. Discussion of industry-specific and real-world applications will help you talk to the needs of your customers and communicate the benefits.

Day 2 (Approx. 1 hour + QA) | Wed., May 17th: Providers joined Eric to discuss their solutions, where they work best, and how to lead the conversation. They discussed how they can work with you, as part of your team, to help develop your customers’ Cybersecurity capabilities. Eric, our resident security expert, also shared his own perspectives and experiences, including complementary solutions that can add value for customers while expanding the sale.